There are only two very basic interactive lessons yet. I simply scripted FIREPEGS app to block out unneeded functionality and to demonstrate few elementary task. The app, by the way, is very simple and easy in general. The hard part is dynamical patterns themselves.

Lesson 1 teaches how to use FIREPEGS app to change the colors in a sample project.

Lesson 2 teaches to program the links, and linking is the core distinction of this computer toy from a pegboard.

There are two ways to use FIREPEGS. First, you can link layouts of colors to lead a little kid through building them step by step. Second, you can challenge a bigger child to achieve certain effects, or to investigate the mechanisms hidden behind them.

The lesson on coloring teaches how to use the controls, and not much else. Let me admit one more time that the user interface is clumsy at best. Layout editor is still the most wanted part. Yet after such lesson even a little child - I started teaching mine at 4 - could make a reasonably big layout of colors. Say, 100 pegs, like on the classical Lauri's pegboard, which was the ultimate prototype of FIREPEGS.

I supplemented a number of more interesting problems and touched some advanced topics, but I am not in a position to teach them. I am only beginning to understanding how do I perceive dynamical patterns, and how do they deceive me.

The lesson on linking teaches linking, and linking is merely assigning the wait time numbers to the directions from firepeg to its neighbors. This lesson is not a design guide. My goal was to teach "link to lead". I believe, anybody who took this "course" will learn this, and just a little bit more. For more information, please see FIREPEGS help app and FIREPEGS ebook.

Linking to lead is fundamentally different from free linking. Firepegs must glow forever, and there is no loops. This means, in turn, no tricky phenomena like oscillation or emergence. The whole process is reversible and highly transparent.