Please click to run the pattern

You have reached the home site of FIREPEGS
(the home may take some time to build)

This site is a part of SIX PROJECTS.
Follow the link to find my email address.

Please visit STEREO LEARNING to see how the projects work together to make teaching learnable and learners teachable.

Firepegs are flashing HELLO WORLD in Morse code.

Patent pending
© 2014 Georgiy Kuznetsov


FIRESHOW: FIREPEGS interactive presentation. Combines FIREPEGS App with annotated sample patterns to learn by example. Click on the links, watch and read.

NEW! FIREPEGS PUZZLES: Album for Exceptionally Smart Beginners.

FIREPEGS APP: the centerpiece of FIREPEGS demo software. Use it to create, debug and and reverse engineer FIREPEGS designs.

FIREPEGS HELP: the help app. Explains FIREPEGS and tells how to use the app.

ALBUM FOR BEGINNERS: FIREPEGS App with embedded player, bundled with a e-textbook and made to teach. Take it seriously, please. I did.

ДЕТСКИЙ АЛЬБОМ: FIREPEGS Album for Beginners in Russian.

FIREPEGS TEACH: the introduction and the links to the teaching apps. There are only two of them yet.

FIRESETTER CHALLENGER: my first package for teaching. Displays several patterns and challenges to build the networks. Don't take it too serious (I didn't).

FIREBOOK: the most complete (but still not full) information about FIREPEGS' past, present and possible future.

FIREPEGS BRIEF:The short version of FIREBOOK, formatted for touch devices. Can work on most tablets and some (generally, newer) smartphones with large viewports.

THE OLD APP: Same as FIREPEGS APP, with scarier interface and more bugs. Loaded with the networks from FIREBOOK. The old help and the old teaching app (there was one) are available through the links.